
This page is a collection of miscellaneous tips, tricks, and other tidbits of info to make it easier to do troubleshooting on the application.

Q: On Fedora, Pipenv fails with MySQL config error

On Fedora, pipenv install may fail with the following error:

OSError: mysql_config not found

Install the mariadb-connector-c-devel package. It includes the mysql_config/mariadb_config binary needed to install the mysqlclient library.

On Fedora:

sudo dnf install -y mariadb-connector-c-devel

Database changes during development

Occasionally, you get an error from the database changing (field not found, category matching query does not exist). You can check this by checking if was changed recently.

Open a shell to the Django container by exec’ing into the app container. Run the following commands:

python makemigrations
python migrate

Try the task again. If it works, make sure the generated database migration script is committed to the git repository along with your other changes. If it does not work, try refreshing your development environment.