Refresh existing dev environment

Document owner: Harrison Leong (@leong96)

Are you working on this project, but afraid you messed something up? This page explains how to do a full reset and start with a fresh environment:

Create a fresh environment

  1. Make sure the application is stopped (docker-compose down).
  2. Delete the database Docker volume (docker volume rm django-rit-grasa_djangograsa_db).
  3. Make a copy ofconfig.yml.example and name it config.yml.
  4. Rebuild the project containers and start the app (docker-compose up --build).
  5. In a separate shell window, run docker ps, which shows all running containers. They should be mariadb and django-rit-grasa.
    • If for some reason, they are not both there, use docker ps -a to get the name of the list of all containers, including the non running ones, then docker start [containerID] to start them.
  6. Run the command docker exec -it [containerID for the django container] /bin/bash.
  7. Run python3 migrate
  8. Run python3 rebuild_index
  9. Visit localhost:8000 in a browser

Initial app configuration

These directions only apply to local development. See the Admin Quickstart for a production deployment.

  1. Visit localhost:8000/admin_user
  2. Visit localhost:8000/create_database
  3. Site is now usable with the following admin account:
    • Username:
    • Password: Password1

Note that the MySQL/MariaDB container is started automatically with a grasa_event_locator database, but this will not happen automatically in production.