How to: Conduct user testing

This is a how-to article to explain how to run user testing sessions for the GRASA Event Locator. It intends to be a blueprint for these sessions but it is not exhaustive.


User testing is a helpful way to collect feedback about how people use and interact with our application. To date, Lei Mon conducted user tests early on in the development cycle. This guide is formed from her notes and questions. For consistency’s sake, make sure user tests are as consistent as possible across sessions.


These are questions to answer during user testing. Feel free to add new ones through a pull request:

  1. User demographics
    • Age, race/ethnicity, occupation, etc.
    • Ask interviewee how they identify
  2. Estimated background with technology?
  3. Overall familiarity with desktop or mobile devices?
  4. What are users’ thoughts while viewing search/filter on the homepage?
  5. How easy or difficult was it to navigate across the pages?
  6. Is there anything the user does not understand?
  7. What are users’ overall thoughts on the design and layout?
  8. How long did it take the user to complete a task?
  9. User’s overall satisfaction with website?
  10. What did the user like the most and the least?
  11. Any problems finding the information wanted by the user?
  12. Any difficulties using it on mobile devices?
  13. Does the user prefer a mobile or desktop view?


This is an idea list of tasks you can run a user through, depending what user they simulate.


  • Change Site Logo
  • Approve new user
  • Reject new user
  • Approve new event
  • Reject new event


  • Login
  • Register
  • Forgot Password
  • Create Event
  • Edit Event
  • Change Organization Logo


  • Filter for an Event
  • View Event
